Planning & Policy

There are many plans and policies developed by SageCon partners that guide our work. Below is a timeline of major plans, policies and milestones between 2010 and 2020. See page 8 of the SageCon Dashboard for links to each document. In 2021, a multiagency stakeholder working group conducted an evaluation of the Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan and developed an Evaluation and Recommendations report. Other planning and policy resources are listed below.

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The SageCon Dashboard provides an overview of the status and trends of sagebrush rangeland condition, sage-grouse populations, and collaborative conservation efforts in southeastern Oregon.

The 2015 Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan lays out an ambitious vision for "all hands all lands" conservation of sage-grouse in Oregon. The Plan was coordinated by the SageCon Partnership and developed by a wide range of partners interested in sagebrush, sage-grouse and rural economic development in southeastern Oregon.

This page compiles a list of the most relevant state, federal and local plans, policies and programs for sage-grouse conservation in Oregon.

Oregon’s Sage-Grouse Action Plan enacted new rules to limit development in important sage-grouse habitat resting upon limiting development in core sage-grouse habitat and use of a mitigation hierarchy. This overview describes the sage-grouse related rules and policies around economic development and mitigation.