Local Implementation Teams
Local Implementation Teams
What are LITs? LITs serve as the collaborative space to bring all relevant local interest groups together to discuss and identify priorities to address threats to sage-grouse and their habitats. LITs help their communities identify opportunities to streamline conservation efforts across ownership boundaries. They can also help local interest groups elevate their issues and needs to the appropriate levels to acquire necessary resources (e.g., grant funding)
Why did they start? LITs are named in the 2015 Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan (Action Plan) as the primary catalyst to implement actions that address threats to sage-grouse and their habitat in Oregon. LITs were created to utilize local knowledge and insight to identify priority threats to sage-grouse; furthermore, these collaborative frameworks give local stakeholders a platform to work together and to communicate across ownership boundaries
What is their purpose? LITs serve to identify priority areas for habitat conservation within their respective areas of concern, and promote coordinated actions, across jurisdictional boundaries to address threats to sage-grouse habitat and populations within those priority areas. Furthermore, the LITs serve as a forum to align interest groups’ and organizations’ actions. Note: LITs have no authority to direct management actions to private landowners or public land administrators; rather, recommendations provided by the LITs are intended to help inform land management actions and provide opportunities for collaboration across public and private land.
Oregon LITs
Now Hiring Coordinators!
Hiring is on hold due to a freeze on federal agreements.