Prineville Local Implementation Team

The Prineville Local Implementation Team is the core group of partners who share the work of restoring sagebrush ecosystems within the range of sage-grouse in the Prineville area. This includes Crook, Deschutes and northern Lake County. The team works collaboratively to support sage-grouse habitat management objectives.  This is accomplished through the identification, prioritization, and implementation of landscape-level actions; recognizing that these actions will help maintain and enhance culturally, economically, and ecologically healthy public and private rangelands.

In Spring, 2023, Prineville LIT partners used their consensus process to adopt a living strategy they developed that assesses local threats to sage-grouse populations and their habitat. This document is called the Prineville LIT’s Threats Reduction Plan (TRP). The purpose of the TRP is to provide a framework for local partners to prioritize and coordinate sage-grouse conservation efforts across ownership and management boundaries within the Prineville LIT area.

The Prineville LIT will be hiring a new LIT coordinator in 2024. For more information about the coordinator role please contact Rachael Davee.

Meetings and Events

Next LIT Meeting:

Threat Based Strategic Conservation Workshop

Part 3

August 1st, 9 am-12 pm

Clover Building

498 SE Lynn Blvd., Prineville




  • In Spring 2023, LIT partners used their consensus process and agreed to adopt the first version of the living TRP. LIT partners will update this document annually according to the protocol outlined in section 4.3.

  • Barbwire Juniper Removal project – Pheasants Forever and Department of State Lands received a grant to remove 1,232 acres of Phase I and II juniper within the Brothers action area. Treatment is scheduled to big in late May 2023.

Barbwire Juniper Removal Project area.  Treatments scheduled for 2023.

Intact Sagebrush-steppe in the foreground with Barbwire Juniper Removal Project area in the background.


BLM, ODFW, USFS, USFWS, NRCS, DSL, ECAS, Crook and Deschutes SWCDs, Crook County, Deschutes County, Crooked River Weed Management Area, TNC, and Private Landowners


Rachael Davee

SageCon Coordinator